holistic living

Let us make a Power Protein Smoothie

I'm offering this simple recipe, as it seems the energy runs low for many of us here in the Northeast. Cold and dark weather calls for a Power Smoothie to please the taste and muscles in our bodies. Sure you may have already escaped to the sunny beaches of Florida or California, but you can still make this pleasant morning drink instead of a cup of Bulletproof coffee and croissant - my personal guilty indulgence, although not that often nowadays.



This smoothie combines health and energy boosting essentials like healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, into one convenient on-the-go option. Add ingredients to a high powered blender. You may add your other multi-vitamin and minerals that you take in capsules/tablets – they wind up in your stomach anyway. Blend until well combined — ready in under 5 minutes! 

  • 8 oz coconut milk (Natural Value has it in BPA free can lining at Trader's Joe's)
  • 1 scoop raw organic chocolate protein powder from Garden of Life
  • 1 Tablespoon of Styrian Gold Pumpkin Seed oil
  • 4 oz of organic frozen berries, or ½ – 1 full frozen banana 
  • 2 Tablespoons nut butter (Almond or Cashew or Hazelnut)

Top with cacao nibs and enjoy! Here is the link to Fullscript, where you can order some ingredients at a 20% discount, as my client. Check the tab Power Food on your left.

How to Fix Our Stupid Use of Technology

Ever since the proliferated use of the computers and cell phones, I was interested in protecting ourselves from EMF -ElectroMagnetic Field radiation. You know, I have an engineering degree, so is my interest in applicable electromagnetic devices for improving  health is well justified. I also understand physics, and know, that every device that is run by electrical current may have dirty electricity and potential harmful magnetic field - measurable EMF (F for Fog). Hard science, can be difficult for many of us to comprehend.


Here is the book "The Non-tinfoil guide to EMFs" that is written by investigative health journalist in a plain language with  plenty of great resources.

What I do to protect us from EMF?

1. Do not use the laptop on my lap, since I use WiFi (my computer is not connected to Router by the old fashion cable wire), it emits tons of harmful EMF.  My computer sits on WrapTop - Magnetic Shielding,  check out Lessemf.com. If you absolutely insist on using your laptop on top of your lap, buy Defender Pad.

2. Most computers come with  ungrounded cords (two prongs) - I bought USB grounding cords for our computers. If you do not have it yet, please charge your computer when it is not in use, otherwise use it on a battery power.

3. Keep the distance between you and your screens (laptops, phone, tablets) as much as you can. EMF is distance sensitive –At least one foot away from your body, please!

4. Most of all, protect your children, Belly Armor is a great resource for shielding babes that are born or still inside of you, with the blankets made of radiation shield material.
The site has other great devices and EMF protecting clothes for grown ups who invented and constantly use this amazing technology. Anyone totally attached to their cell phone day and night? We all at some point fit this profile and we must protect ourselves more in our daily lives.

5. Buy Shielding Pouch for WiFi Router to reduce microwave radiation, if you're not willing to turn off your router at night, which is the best source of action - please avoid sleeping in a sea of radiation. Signal Tamer from www.lessemf.com will reduce this radiation.

6. Buy your phone a BlackOut Patch, that you can attach to the back of your phone– Get your loved ones a patch as well! A less sexy option is the BlocSock, if you have a habit of holding the phone to your head. For iPad and other tablets - iPad POUCH www.lessemf.com 

7. Are you using earphones? Please attach Ferrite Snap Beads to the wires, as I did, easy. They reduce radio frequency radiation.

8. Switch to Airplane mode, when you're using your phone in the metal boxes we call "cars." You get the worst exposure, since the radiation waves are bouncing around. I am not aware of any cars yet that use radiation blocking material for their interiors. Download music and podcasts, if you are maximizing your time while driving - so there's no wifi needed. 

9. Avoid using your devices when reception is bad, since some phones can ramp up their harmful emissions during this time.
Want to know more on the subject,  here is another book – "Zapped."
And of course, do not hesitate to ask me for help. 

Optimize Your Health: Learn About Your Genes

Today I want to share with you some important nuggets of information on human genes and what I learned from “Interpreting Your Genetics” and the “Dirty Genes” summits. In one of my blogs last year, I briefly touched on the subject of NutriGenomics and Epigenetic and DNA testing, you can find it on blog posts inside the website.  


First let me cover the basics. 

Human cells consist of the following:

  • cell membrane = outer cell skin
  • cytoplasm = cell “soup”
  • mitochondria = power stations swimming inside the cell, 
  • nucleus = large sac holding our 23 pairs of non-identical chromosomes
  • chromosomes contain inside double helix DNA strands
  • DNA strands made up of genes, approximately 30,000 genes

Genes are the coding producers that instruct every function in our our body in every second of our existence.

To achieve the highest possible state of health, we need all cells in our body to function to their highest functional pattern. We are not talking here about diseases!  We are switching gears from Diagnosis to a Prognosis mind set.

Dr. Jeffrey Bland, PhD known as a Father of Functional Medicine,  guides us into a proactive approach to our health and well-being. 

The approach that is based on four functional patterns, Four Ps:

  1. Predictive 
  2. Preventive
  3. Personalized
  4. Participatory

Predictive pattern is gathered via DNA/genetic testing.

You can order raw DNA data at one of the popular consumer labs, like “23and me”, “AncestryDNA” or FamilytreeDNA”. 

It is only done once in a lifetime.

Once you have the results, we can plug them into one of the few trusted websites for extensive interpretations to obtain actionable steps/plans for different approaches to environment, lifestyle and diet. 

The other three Ps come to play: preventive, personalized and participatory actions.

Here you definitely need a knowledgeable coach to guide you through the maze of SNPs.

SNP= single nucleotide polymorphism, or gene variation/spelling.

While we have around 20 thousand genes, we have over 10 million known gene variations up to date, and one person can have over one million of SNPs. The raw DNA tests can provide info on ~ 40 thousand of SNPs, that are known to potentially alter our genetic function. They are called actionable SNPs. 

And here come the science of Epigenetic - the study of gene regulation via environment: nutrition, sleep, stress, toxic exposure. Please understand, it is not about changing the DNA, but switching its “dirty genes” off or clean them up.  

This term  “dirty genes” is used by Dr. Ben Lynch in the same title book, where he explores the most researched “laundry” list of 7 genes and their many variations on our health. He offers natural solutions that can ultimately allow us to rewrite the unwanted genetic destiny.

As I  mentioned, NutriGenomics and EpiGenetics are new and fast growing sciences with tons of new information coming everyday.  As I keep learning, I will share with you all of the new findings. 

I will be glad to work with you on your actionable steps based on the findings of your gene variations in the DNA test, if you decide to take one. 

The steps that help you to create the most beneficial environment for your health with 

  1. proper food intake - will call it diet (even though I prefer healthy food choices)
  2. sleep 
  3. exercise  
  4. personalized supplements 
  5. stress reduction programs
  6. elimination of toxic exposure

All About Plantar Fasciitis (And tips and remedies!)

Plantar fasciitis (PF) involves pain and inflammation of a thick band of tissue, called the plantar fascia, which runs vertically across the bottom of your foot connecting your heel bone to your toes.


Plantar = sole of the foot. Fasciitis = inflammation (itis) of the fascia. PF can affect one or both feet and is a common cause of heel pain or pain in the arch that can range from mild to debilitating. Pain is often worse in the morning and after sitting for a length of time. Not every case of PF finds relief from medical procedures such as cortisone shots and surgery. Help is available as a complement or alternative. Reflexology is a form of bodywork applied to the feet that is non-invasive and is a natural and whole-body approach to wellness.

PF affects the entire body and commonly requires attention to areas other than the foot that may be contributing to the symptoms. Once your symptoms subside, we help you to maintain healthy feet with preventative measures and self-care education.

Why Plantar Fasciitis Returns

  • Band-aid treatments that are quick-fixes and don’t address the cause
  • Lack of maintenance after PF improves
  • Minimal self-care (exercise, stretching, ice therapy, etc.)
  • Lifestyle habits that cause, aggravate or worsen PF
  • Use of medications to mask pain and give a false sense of resolve

Reflexology Benefits

  • Improves circulation for legs and feet
  • Restores healthy fascia in the feet
  • Stimulates endorphins for pain relief
  • Reduces soft-tissue inflammation
  • Improves foot flexibility and function
  • Improves structure and range of motion
  • Provides overall balance and release of tension for the entire body

Consistent Care is Key

Plantar fasciitis does not develop overnight and will not diminish or disappear without daily care. Lifestyle patterns and causes must be addressed to prevent recurrence. Often the best treatment is the hardest.

REST the feet from use and abuse which means get off your feet for prolonged periods. This can assist in reducing inflammation as you proceed with a program of reflexology and soft-tissue therapy.

Other tips to speed healing include ice therapy to the injured area, foot-soaks in Dead Sea mineral salts, application of essential oils or BioFreeze for inflammation and pain. Also check for side effects from medications.

Avoid habits which can exacerbate PF such as going barefoot, crossing the ankles and bending toes back when seated.

Flu Season & My Take on the Flu Shot

The Flu Time is upon us. Are we ready to meet the challenge? Do you need/want/required the Flu vaccination? This is the question of the day. The answer to this question is personal and for sure not a uniform “yes” or “no." The decision is ultimately yours. Learn the facts, discuss with your doctor and we can always talk further about this topic at your next appointment. 


Let me share my experience with the seasonal flu vaccination. My mom, who is now 92 y.o and still “directing the traffic” of her life, stopped having flu vaccines after her very bad experience - hospitalization twice with pneumonia some ten years ago. She said, she wished she listened to me in the first place and resisted the wide spread pro vaccination push from the media, etc. So now you know, I am not enthusiastic about the Flu vaccine.

Ever since mom stopped the vaccination - no pneumonias, no related hospitals visits, instead she uses very comprehensive immune building nutritional protocol, and Reflexology/Reiki treatments, Far Infrared Table or Far Infrared pad preventively.  I put the nutritional protocol for Cold/Flu prevention on my virtual dispensary Fullscript, especially for you. You will find it here, log in and check the tab on the left side called "Cold/Flu, or email me at irina@ibhealing.com for a personal welcome link.

My dear Nicholas had a similar bad experience two years ago, when he had his random (did not consult with yours truly) shot at school. Now he knows better to not risk his health with unproven, and unfortunately marginally effective flu shots. 

Do you want to read more on this hot topic? Here is the link to the blog of well respected Functional Medicine doctor, Dr. Kara Fitzgerald.  Additionally she offers more information on tips and remedies for Influenza. Click here to open and download for yourself. 

Let us help ourselves with easy to make folk remedies, like Fire Cider,  see the recipe below, and natural antibacterial/antiviral formula from my previous blog.