Books On My Study Desk + Nightstand

During many of your sessions, I get questions about what I'm studying now and what I'm reading for pleasure. Here's the current list. Click the links to learn and get it for yourself.


The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot: LINK

Healing is Voltage, by Jerry L. Tennant, MD: LINK

Cutting For Stone, by Abraham Verghese: LINK
This was my favorite book from 2014. I have not read much for pleasure lately, since I'm so involved in my studies.

Many Lives, Many Masters, by Brian L. Weiss: LINK
If you're interested in having a past life regression session with me, this is a must-read, written by the teacher I studied with.

Same Soul, Many Bodies, by Brian L. Weiss: LINK
From regression to progression, let's stretch your mind.